May 18th, 2021
Hello NSCMIRTP registrants, some of you may have recently received a new position statement from the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT) on ‘Discontinuing the Use of Gonadal and Fetal Shielding for Patients’. This message is to confirm for Nova Scotia MRTs that there have been no changes to the provincial legislation or the NSCMIRTP Standards of Practice and MRTs must continue to comply with facility policies regarding the use of radiation protection devices, including shielding.
NSCMIRTP registrants are reminded that:
MIRTPs in Nova Scotia are required to comply with provincial legislation and the NSCMIRTP Standards of Practice regarding their practice, including the use of radiation protection devices, and there are no changes to these standards.
MRTs in the specialty of radiography applying ionizing radiation to patients for diagnostic procedures are still required to ‘make use of the proper shielding devices when necessary’ (NSCMIRTP Practice Standard 1.21) and ‘adhering to....workplace policies and professional legislation and regulations’ (NSCMIRTP Practice Standard 2.14).
The NSCMIRTP Standards of Practice require MIRTPs to comply with facility policies.
MIRTPs concerned with matters related to the safe operation of x-ray machines, should report them to their managers.
Proposed changes in care provision should be addressed at the departmental level through your managers and radiation protection officer, and should be consistent with the policies and procedures of your facility.
As acknowledged in their patient shielding FAQ, CAMRT is not the authority that determines shielding practice within a province or facility – MRTs must work within the standards set by their regulatory body and their facility’s policies and procedures.
Before sharing any external resources with patients that may be contrary to the radiation protection requirements set out in your departmental policies and procedures, you should consult with your managers and radiation protection officers.
If you have questions regarding the CAMRT Position Statement, please contact the CAMRT. If you have any questions regarding your practice as an MIRTP in Nova Scotia, please contact the NSCMIRTP at We trust that this message clarifies that there are no changes to the provincial legislation or the NSCMIRTP Standards of Practice regarding the use of radiation protection devices that require your attention or any change in your current practice.
Date Posted: May 19, 2021