Professional Liability Insurance (PLI)

All registrants must carry personal professional liability insurance (PLI) as a condition for licensing. This supports a judicially fair process for complainants and respondents. By having PLI, a registrant is protected professionally and financially from claims (real, alleged or false) made against them as a result of rendering professional services. The patient is protected should the claim be substantiated and damages awarded.

Registrants must provide proof of a PLI policy each year upon renewal that meets the policy requirements of the NSCMIRTP. PLI policies can be purchased through a private provider, Canadian Association of Medical Radiation technologists (CAMRT), Sonography Canada (SC), or Ontario Association of Medical Radiation Sciences (OAMRS). If you are licensed as an MRT and a DMS, one policy will cover both areas of practice.

The College mandates the registrants hold personal professional liability insurance for the following reasons:

  • Employer policies do not always cover expenses, such as legal defense in professional disciplinary matters.

  • The employer’s insurance company may sue you for reimbursement of any money they paid out as a result of your actions.

  • Your personal PLI follows you if you work at multiple sites with more than one employer.

  • When you retire or leave employment, personal PLI covers you for a period of time during which patients may still bring a claim against you.

  • Your employer insurance may not cover you for any advice or volunteering you do outside of your work.

The College cannot provide PLI to its registrants as this would be a conflict of interest should a complaint arise.

If you have any questions, please feel welcome to contact the College by email at or by phone at 902.832.3167.