You must be registered with NSCMIRTP to be legally authorized to practice in medical radiation and imaging technology in Nova Scotia. Registration is an important regulatory tool to ensure the protection of the public by allowing only those individuals who have met the registration requirements, to be registered and legally authorized to practice.
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Nuclear Medicine
Radiation Therapy
Radiological Technology
Registrants can only practice in areas that they have the necessary education and experience in.
To maintain registration individuals must be compliant with the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program and are subject to an audit every two years. Details of the CPD program and audit process is outlined in the CPD program.
It is also a condition of registration that you provide the College with details of any of the following that relates to you including if these occur or arise after your registration:
A finding of guilt for any offence, including any criminal offence and any offence related to the regulation of the practice of the profession. Offences relate to findings of guilt made by a court that are typically punishable by a fine or jail term
A finding of professional misconduct, incompetency, or incapacity, in Nova Scotia in relation to another health profession, or in another jurisdiction in relation to the profession or another health profession
An investigation or a proceeding involving an allegation of professional misconduct, incompetency, or incapacity, in Nova Scotia in relation to another profession, or in another jurisdiction in relation to the profession or another health profession.
Been terminated, or forced to resign from employment as a health professional for incompetence, unprofessional behavior, incapacity or lack of fitness to practice, or any similar reason, whether in Nova Scotia or in any other jurisdiction within Canada or outside of Canada.
In addition, registrants must maintain professional liability insurance and meet currency requirements in accordance with College By-laws and policy.
If you have been previously registered with NSCMIRTP and wish to reinstate your registration, and it has been over five years since you last practiced that discipline in any jurisdiction, you will be required to complete a refresher program before you are eligible for reinstatement. Please contact the NSCMIRTP to discuss your individual situation and eligibility for the refresher program.