Pursuant to NSCMIRTP Bylaws and Policy on Registration Fees, the following conditions apply to payment of fees:
All annual fees are due and payable on or before November 1st.
A registrant who fails to pay an annual license fee on or before December 31st ceases to be licensed effective January 1st.
A registrant that pays renewal after Dec 1st each year is subject to a late fee of $50.
A registrant who pays an annual fee on or after Jan 1st shall pay a lapsed registrant fee of $100.00 in addition to the annual fee, and must complete the reinstatement process.
A non-refundable application fee of $100.00 must accompany each initial application for registration. This fee is waived for those who are currently licensed in another Canadian jurisdiction.
Students applying for non-active membership are not subject to the application fee. The student fee is $40 for the duration of their MIRTP program.
The current annual fee for a full practicing license with NSCMIRTP is $450.00 annually. This fee is prorated for those registering after April 30th to $225. This fee is waived for initial licensing year with NSCMIRTP for those who are currently licensed in another Canadian jurisdiction.