NSCMIRTP Board 2024


Kenny Zhan BSc, MRT(T)

Email- kzhan@nscmirtp.ca
Term - 2023-2026


Rebecca Jessome, BHSc, MRT(MR)(NM)

Email- rebeccajessome@nscmirtp.ca
Term - 2023-2026


Lisa Bonin BHSc, MRT(NM)

Email- lbonin@nscmirtp.ca
Term - 2022-2025


Edmond Kodua MRT(RT)

Email- ekodua@nscmirtp.ca
Term - 2024-2027


Hammad Mohiy Ud Din

Email- hmohiyuddin@nscmirtp.ca
Term - 2023-2026
Public Member


Paulette Anderson

Email- pauletteanderson@nscmirtp.ca

Term - 2024-2027
Public Member


Jason Sheppard BHSc, MRT(NM)

Email- jsheppard@nscmirtp.ca
Term - 2022-2025


Email- xxx
Term - zzz
Public Member

What guides the Board?

The NSCMIRTP Board is the College's governing body. The individuals who sit on the NSCMIRTP Board set the strategic direction, they hold the executive director accountable and they ensure that we satisfy our duty to protect the public by overseeing MIRTP practice. 

The NSCMIRTP Board uses a policy governance approach that sets the roles and responsibilities for the Board and our staff. This approach gives the Board a framework they can use to monitor and evaluate the performance of the NSCMIRTP and identify measures of success. Policy governance allows the Board to enhance its accountabilities to our stakeholders. It also ensures that we are meeting our mandate to protect the public by overseeing the practice of MIRTPs in Nova Scotia.

The Board uses the policy governance framework to satisfy six key roles:

  1. Setting strategic directions

  2. Managing the ED

  3. Monitoring performance

  4. Risk oversight

  5. How the board functions amongst themselves and with staff

  6. Engagement with and accountability to the public


Executive Director / Registrar

Karren Fader MHI, BHSc, MRT(NM), CRPA(R)

email - ed-registrar@nscmirtp.ca

Registration & Finance Office

Bob Jenkins BHA, MRT(NM), EXTRA Fellow

Email- rfo@nscmirtp.ca

Committee Chairs

To contact any of our committees please email the committee chair directly or info@nscmirtp.ca - ATTN: Committee Name

Credentials: info@nscmirtp.ca
Chair: Adam MacDonald, BHSc, MRT(T)(MR)

Nominations: info@nscmirtp.ca
Chair: Currently Vacant

Policy and Procedure: info@nscmirtp.ca
Chair: Karren Fader, MHI, BHSc, MRT(NM), CRPA(R)

Professional Conduct and Fitness to Practice: info@nscmirtp.ca
Chair: Currently Vacant

Finance: info@nscmirtp.ca
Chair: Angela Williams BSc, MRT(T)