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NSCMIRTP ED Search: August 19th Update

Aug 19th, 2024
NSCMIRTP ED Search: August 19th Update

As Chair of the Search Committee for the next Executive Director / Registrar I am pleased to share we have currently closed applications for the position. Our search partners at KBRS have connected with 72 prospective candidates and applications for the role have been submitted from across Canada and around the world. To date, we have received 11 applications, with 5 applicants from leaders within Nova Scotia, 4 from across Canada, and 2 international applications. We are confident that within the robust and capable pool of applicants, we will find our next leader – one with a clear commitment to the mission and vision of NSCMIRTP.

This week, the Search Committee met and identified a short list of candidates. We are now working to schedule interviews with those candidates in the coming weeks.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Dr. Massey at KBRS ( and myself at and we will be sure to answer you as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Kenny Zhan, Chair of the NSCMIRTP

Date Posted: August 20, 2024